The Advantages and Disadvantages of Certain Media Platforms

The advantages and disadvantages of media platforms.

1. E-mail spam.

Advantages: they deliver the ads to a lot of people, and there are always some people who do click on them.

Disadvantages: people don’t normally pay attention to them; they’re rather annoyed by the adverts, also the ads may be automatically transferred to the Spam section, so the person to whom the ad is directed doesn’t even see it.

Personally, this isn’t the type of advertising I’d go for because I get very annoyed by the ads, and I certainly wouldn’t want my target audience being annoyed by my advertising. I think giving the option to subscribe to newsletters is good, though. If the person is given a choice to either receive the newsletters if they’re interested or not if they aren’t, the person wouldn’t get irritated by the newsletters, and they might even remember the company or product because of not forcing advertisements on the customer, since there are so many companies that send out e-mails.

2. Advertisements on videos.

Advantages: if the ads are related to the video, the person might be interested to watch them, or if the ad can’t be skipped, the viewer will have to watch it.

Disadvantages: the person might not pay much attention to the ad or even be irritated by it they can’t skip it.

This also isn’t the type of advertising I’d use. I’d want my target audience to enjoy my adverts, or at least associate the company with positive thoughts. If they aren’t given a choice to skip an ad – sure, they’ll be forced to watch it, but there’s a chance they might remember the company as something negative. I would rather stay neutral or undiscovered than be remembered as a negative company because once you get a bad reputation, it is very hard to regain people’s trust.

3. Trailers (for movies).

Advantages: they can test the audience and change parts of the movie according to the people’s preferences.

Disadvantages: if some people dislike the trailer completely, they would probably not look forward to the movie itself.

In my opinion, movie trailers are a good way to promote a movie. They’re shown quite some time before the actual movie, so the movie can be changed to suit the interests of the audience more. Open-minded people would be able to suggest ideas, too, so that they would have a chance to see what they want in the movie. It depends on the feedback of the trailer whether the movie will be successful; that’s when the target audience gets to voice an opinion!

4. Product placement in movies.

Advantages: if the movie is popular, they reach a large audience, so a lot of people see the movie and the products in it as well.

Disadvantages: people may not notice the hints if the movie is suspenseful, because they’d be more focused on the movie itself, and not some details in it.

Generally I think this is a good idea for advertising. It depends on which movie the product is displayed in, so that’s something to consider before. I think the product being mentioned by a character would be more successful than just visually showing quick glimpses of it. People remember movie quotes, so they might remember the product as well.

5. Posters.

Advantages: posters aren’t too expensive to make and put up, depending on the place, they may be seen by a lot of people.

Disadvantages: the posters can easily be vandalized or be ruined by the weather.

I think posters are a good way of advertising because they’re cheap. So even if they get torn or ruined in any other way, it doesn’t cost a lot. People will see the posters. There are a lot of places where people wait for something and have nothing to do while they’re waiting. Effective places to put posters up are all kinds of stations, bus and train stops, waiting areas in offices or colleges, wherever queues form, because people stand there for a while and will have no choice but to look at the advertisements.

6. Radio.

Advantages: anyone who listens to the radio station will hear the advertisement because it can’t be skipped, the advertisements are precise because they’re short and are targeted at a certain audience.

Disadvantages: if the company is trying to reach people of all ages and interests, advertising on the radio wouldn’t be as successful because certain people listen to certain radio stations.

Advertising on the radio can be good for certain products and companies, because if their product is targeted at a certain audience, the advert has more power and can grant success. If my products were aimed at a very certain audience, I would definitely try the radio.

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